Employer Questionnaire for E-3 Visa Petition Joseph Kallabat & Associates, P.C. 7031 Orchard Lake Road, Suite 302 West Bloomfield, MI 48322 Tel (248) 865-3331 - Fax (248) 865-3323 First Name of Employee Last Name Name of Employer (Full Name of Organization) Company Address (Number, Street, City, and Town, State ZIP code) Telephone # Fax # IRS Tax ID # Name of the employer's representative who will sign the papers Email Title Employee's Job Title Yearly Salary Wage Level (Please see the description of the wage levels below) Level 1 (Entry Level) is for beginning level employees who have a basic understanding of the occupation. They perform routine tasks that require limited exercise of judgment. These employees work under close supervision and receive specific instructions on required task and results expected. Their work is closely monitored and reviewed for accuracy. Level 2 (Qualified) is for qualified employees who have attained either from education or experience a good understanding of the occupation. They perform moderately complex tasks that require limited judgment. Level 3 (Experienced) is for experienced employees who have a sound understanding of the occupation and have attained through either education or experience special skills or knowledge. They perform tasks that require exercising judgment and may coordinate the activities of other staff. They may have supervisory authority over those staff. “Lead”, “Senior”, “Head”, or “Chief” positions generally fall under Level 3. Level 4 (Fully Competent) is for competent employees who have sufficient experience in the occupation to plan and conduct work requiring judgment and the independent evaluation, selection, modification, and application of standard procedures and techniques. Such employees use advanced skills and diversified knowledge to solve unusual and complex problems. These employees receive only technical guidance and their work is reviewed only for application of sound judgment and effectiveness in meeting eh establishment’s procedures and expectations. They generally have management and /or supervisory responsibilities. Is this a unionized position? yesno Will an American Worker (U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident) be displaced by this foreign worker 90 days before or after this petition is filed? yesno Has your organization made efforts to recruit American workers for this position? yesno Address where the employee will PHYSICALLY work (on-site or 3rd party/Client location) The service’s regulations at 8CFR 214.2(h)(2)(i)(B) provide that an H petition, which requires services to be performed in more than one location must include an itinerary with the dates and locations of the services to be performed. If applicable, please submit a detailed itinerary of the work sites the beneficiary is to be assigned to, to include specific dates, locations, and clients that the beneficiary will be servicing. The USCIS may request a copy of the contract with the ultimate end user which specifically mentions the beneficiary and the duties he will perform with that end user, or a letter from the end user on appropriate letterhead which should be signed by a competent official and provide contact information for the official. The letter should name the beneficiary, describe the job duties and provide a length expected assignment of the beneficiary. If it is your claim that the beneficiary will be working on in-house projects, submit evidence describing the in-house projects, the length of time the beneficiary will work on those projects, invoices showing the sale of that product to customers of the petitioner, and a letter from the clients which are using that product. The USCIS may require you to provide letters from customers of the petitioner to verify that the petitioner’s products are being used by them. Such letters must be written on appropriate letterhead containing the name, address, fax, and/or telephone number of each customer. If the project is in a development stage provide evidence of the market research that has been conducted which indicates there is a demand for the service or project and evidence that you will be able to fund the project for the term of the employee’s employment. Also, indicate the clients and contact information for those clients that have preliminary contracts for project being developed. Has your organization ever been cited for violations by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (legacy Immigration and Naturalization Service), Department of Labor or any other Federal Agency? yesno Description of the company’s primary business activities: Date of establishment Number of employees Gross Annual Income Net Annual Income Is your organization a Non-Profit organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service? yesno Has your organization ever been cited for violations by the Immigration and Naturalization Service or the Department of Labor? yesno If applicable, provide the following technical environment information Hardware Software Languages Database Operating System Utilities Tools Please provide the following daily task activity information Activity % of Time Activity % of Time Activity % of Time Activity % of Time Activity % of Time Please provide a detailed description of the employee's proposed job duties and responsibilities If applicable, team composition and size Position Title Number of Employees Employed In That Position Position Title Number of Employees Employed In That Position Position Title Number of Employees Employed In That Position Position Title Number of Employees Employed In That Position Minimum educational requirements for this position Minimum experience requirements for this position Name, Title, and Email Address of the person completing this Questionnaire if different from the Signatory listed above: First Name Last Name Email Title What is the result of below calculation?